With our online courses and learning paths, you and your staff can learn verbal de-escalation skills on your own, at work or at home.
Online training can play many roles in the Welle System, from preparing for in-person training to refreshing and recertifying staff afterwards.
Online training typically takes half the time of in-person training, and because it can be completed on each trainee’s own schedule, it can further reduce training time away from work.
Our online courses can function on their own to train situational awareness, patient assessment, and verbal de-escalation skills.
Our online courses are very modular. They can be combined into a variety of learning paths for different roles and needs. Individuals can subscribe to courses on their own, or we can help your organization customize learning paths for your teams.
Here is a sample progression:
The S M A R T Principles
Making a Clear Request
Keeping a Conversation on Track
Evaluating Welle for your organization? As part of your process, experience a free day of training at one of our public training events. Contact us to make arrangements.